Friday, 2 July 2010

What next in 3D CAD? - Ideas for Next Generation Technology

It has been over two decades since a new technology emerged in 3D CAD Design. Parametric representation and B-Rep modelling created a tectonic shift in the CAD industry spawning several codes with the latest generation exploiting the Windows architecture for ease-of-use and reach.

While history based representation has provided innumerable benefits, history free editing, a mere corollary, has been confined to limited areas of geometric manipulations in comparison to creat-modify-update-release nature of drawings for manufacture, that the industry requires.

Common challenges still remain in 3D CAD technology that needs to be addressed. Some of them include:
  • Handling of large data sets
  • Faster regeneration time during edit and update processes
  • Quicker and easier ways of generating/ modifying 2D Drawings
  • Intuitive approach to design using constraint-free environment
  • Operating System Independent environment
  • Freedom to collaborate without data translation
While the debate on choice of parametric vis-a-vis history free approach would continue, a wishlist of user-specific requirements could include the following:
  1. 2D framework that enables 3D data manipulation without losing sight of the 2D drawing - be it part or assembly (because at the end of the day the user requires a 2D Drawing anyway - am I asking for a roll back ? No !)
  2. Hybrid approach with both History-free and History-based environment wherein the user has the choice to decide on the approach in the middle of a design process - going back and forth
  3. Transparent inter-operability - absoluted no barriers !
  4. Ability to handle Large data sets in fractions of time taken currently
  5. Surface or Solid - User does not care or should not be troubled to fix 'closure volume' errors
  6. If one can view HTML pages on any web browser, why not 3D CAD and associated 2D CAD data? e-Drawings has helped - but still more needs to be done here.
  7. Web standards have evolved - why not leverage on this for 3D CAD environment and framework? (a.k.a Google Sketchup with an advanced framework)
  8. OS Free, platform independent approach with distributed cloud computing (this is emerging as a serious alternative with much spoken and written about it)
  9. If Torrents can used a distributed collaborative framework, why not leverage on this for 3D CAD data sets?

Time to re-look at Gregory Patch?

Gregory patch (remember Designbase from Ricoh?) has numerous intrinsic advantages over NURBS in terms of handling large data sets, concise representation and computationally less intensive architecture. Combined with cloud computing, history/history-free hybrid approach, simplified language (CTML - CAD Text Mark Up language?), ability to manipulate 3D data in 2D (yes - I mean this seriously) and 'Torrent'ial collaborative engineering - we will have a deadly cocktail of capabilities that I am sure the users would enjoy and celebrate !

Let us free our minds of constraints and break conventions, now that technology empowers such initiatives. Are we ready for this?

Saturday, 26 June 2010

DraftSight - Is this the Google of CAD?

Dassault Systemes recently announced FREE Download of DraftSight - an alternative to popular 2D CAD Software to create, edit, manage and share DWG Files. It sure is exciting that the 2D CAD users got an alternative that helps them get their drawings done with no investment but for internet download time !

This event is significant in more ways than one. Firstly, it emphasizes the fact that 2D CAD technology is no longer a serious choice for Design Engineers when 3D CAD, such as SolidWorks, is available at affordable costs. Secondly, the price of any product drops when demand is not there! Rightly so.

I happened to download the Beta version of DraftSight and am impressed on many counts:
1. Opening very large DWG Files is done in a fraction of the time taken by other 2D CAD software.
2. Installer is just 42 MB in Size !
3. Interface is akin to popular 2D CAD that professionals are used to.
4. Support upto Version 2010 of DWG format
5. Virtually no training is required to get started.
6. Good online documentation
7. Simple process of license activation
8. Community login based support. Online enhancement requests reviewed by developers.
DraftSight is a trendsetter for lowering the cost of ownership of 2D CAD. Costly upgrades can be avoided resulting in money saving.
Pricey 2D CAD software just became redundant. While LISP and network licensing schemes for professional users is still chargeable, these functionalities are seldom a mandatory pre-requisite. Why a network license when the license is FREE ?

For large and small organizations spending huge amount of money in buying and upgrading their existing 2D CAD software, DraftSight is an alternative worth considering seriously.

With Mac OS and Linux support coming in the near future, DraftSight is going to be OS independent. Is this the Google of CAD? While Google with its search engine has changed the lives of millions in their quest for information, knowledge and e-commerce, this CAD initiative is bound to create goodwill among CAD Engineers for continued patronage and development of a superior product at a fraction of the cost. Customers just pay for the services rendered ! Is this not Pay per use policy?

While there are many flavours of DWG editing software available, none of them comes close to DraftSight in terms of cost of ownership and above all community based support.

A Truly Appreciable initiative from Dassault Systemes indeed - CAD just got Googled !

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Solving Quality Issues by Design - A G D & T and Tolerance Stack Analysis Approach

White Paper on Importance of G D and T with Tolerance Stack Up Analysis for developing 0 PPM Designs and Solving Quality issues is presented with case study involving an Electric Motor Designed and analyzed using SolidWorks and SigmundWorks Software.

Quality in Assembly Build and Performance affects profitability. Acceptable quality depends on drawings that define design specifications. G D & T Drawings developed according to ASME Y14.5/ ISO Standards and ensured for correctness and completeness is the first step. Assigning least cost tolerances, predicting assembly build and performance is the next step towards developing a fool-proof quality regime. This is done by performing Tolerance Stack Up Analysis. Implementing technological tools to achieve this has following inherent benefits:
1. Correctness and Completeness of Drawings eliminates ambiguities, re-work and errors in production/ inspection processes
2. Identification of dimensional parameters affecting assembly build and performance provides insight into causes and creates objective framework for Least Cost Tolerancing
3. Incorporation of existing Process Capabilities for dimensional management enables decisions on investments in machines, tools and new processes
4. Identification of process stage, based on dimensional sensitivity, when manufacturing processes goes out of control ensures processes are monitored, corrected and controlled effectively
5. Aligning the Design Process with the Manufacturing and Inspection goals helps achieve consistent product quality at affordable cost

To integrate and sustain in a world market, at higher levels of profitability, it is essential that technology content in products is enhanced substantially – an essential ingredient for success.

Please visit:

Monday, 22 February 2010

Design Validation of Automotive Systems - Benefits of using SolidWorks Simulation

A new White Paper has been published by EGS India on the Benefits of Design Validation for Automotive Systems.

Automotive Industry is constantly looking at ways and means of reducing costs and staying profitable while delivering on time. Common denominator in all these challenges is Design. Companies investing in developing indigenuous Design Technologies, emerge successful in the world market and are able to sustain and innovate at a higher pace than the rest of the competition. This is possible on account of the following capabilities:
  • Delivering products faster with Up-front Engineering Design Validation as a part of the Product Development Process while compressing the cycle time
  • Lean Design by incorporating Value Engineering as a part of the Design Process ensuring evaluation of least cost alternatives before even the first prototype is developed
  • Increasing Reliability by Design – an Initiative that will eliminate hidden costs associated with product recall, re-design and/ or replacement of parts

'Valuefacture' of a product ensures product acceptance by Customer while assuring improvement in bottomline profitability. Companies that have identified Design Engineering as a Profit Centre have continued to invest in tools and technologies that augment Design Validation with assured return on Investment.

Read on by registering at

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

EGS India to participate in Access 2010 hosted by TANSTIA - ACCESS’10 is the second in the series of International Machine Tool and Engineering Expo

EGS India is participating in Access 2010 and can be visited on Booth 108. Focussing on emerging Technologies and Benefits for the Machine Tool Industry, EGS India will be highlighting the benefits of SolidWorks 2010, SigmundWorks Tolerance Analysis Software and SolidWorks Simulation as a Design Validation Tool for Product Design and Development. Additionally the ability to save, re-use and update Engineering Data using Enterprise PDM (Product Data Management) as well Publishing Manuals and Documentation using 3DVia Composer are the highlights of the program.

The Expo is being conducted at Chennai Trade Centre between February 7 -to- February 9, 2010.
All are welcome and invited to Booth 108.
Automotive Industry is constantly looking at ways and means of reducing costs and staying profitable while delivering on time. Common denominator in all these challenges is Design. Companies investing in developing indigenuous Design Technologies, emerge successful in the world market and are able to sustain and innovate at a higher pace than the rest of the competition. This is possible on account of the following capabilities:

  • Delivering products faster with Up-front Engineering Design Validation as a part of the Product Development Process while compressing the cycle time
  • Lean Design by incorporating Value Engineering as a part of the Design Process ensuring evaluation of least cost alternatives before even the first prototype is developed
  • Increasing Reliability by Design – an Initiative that will eliminate hidden costs associated with product recall, re-design and/ or replacement of parts

'Valuefacture' of a product ensures product acceptance by Customer while assuring improvement in bottomline profitability. Companies that have identified Design Engineering as a Profit Centre have continued to invest in tools and technologies that augment Design Validation with assured return on Investment.

Read on by registering on:

White Paper focusses on the challenges faced by the Auto Industry and provides the ways and means of addressing Challenges such as Cost Reduction, Warranty Enhancement, Increased Reliability, Improved Sustainability, Reduced Product Development Cycle Time and above all Increase Product and Company USP by adding Immense Value.