Showing posts with label Design using SolidWorks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design using SolidWorks. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Why SolidWorks Flow Simulation is Key to Managing Thermal Issues in Equipment Operations?


        SolidWorks Flow Simulation is a powerful tool that can be used to quickly and easily assess the thermal performance of equipment. By using SolidWorks Flow Simulation, engineers can quickly identify potential areas of improvement in their designs and make necessary changes before manufacturing. Additionally, SolidWorks Flow Simulation can be used to evaluate the impact of different operating conditions on equipment performance.


        SolidWorks Flow Simulation provides reliable solution for managing thermal issues in equipment operations. Its comprehensive suite of tools enables users to simulate, analyze, and modify their designs with ease. Additionally, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up simulations quickly and accurately. With the help of SolidWorks Flow Simulation, engineers can effectively optimize their designs while ensuring that they meet the requirements of their projects’ thermal performance goals.

For more info, reach us at +91 94454 24704, mail to, visit us


Saturday, 27 August 2022


 To specify the Volume and Mass properties of the Multibody part, you can monitor the properties of the part by adding sensors to evaluate and optimize. This feature (Design Study) can run iterations of the values and reports to generate the optimum combination of values to meet your specified goal.

Design Study is a tool to perform optimization or evaluate specific scenarios of your design using Simulation. This Analysis is fully integrated into the SOLIDWORKS within the same interface. Design Study allows for quickly and easily simulating design iterations on parts or assemblies.

Solid bodies can be used to calculate the results for different iterations or scenarios by defining a required parameter like Variables, Constraints, and Goals for a single study, whereas multiple studies can also be combined.

This can be any type and any combination except fatigue and pressure vessel. If optimization is being used the results will show the initial state and the optimal state. The results of each iteration can be compared and this helps to bring better designs to market faster.

Where to find;

SOLIDWORKS Command Manager > Evaluate > Design Study (or)

SOLIDWORKS Menu Bar > Insert > Design Study

1) Variables: The inputs can be Model Dimension, Global Variable, Simulation parameters, and Material properties.

2) Constraints: The inputs can be from Simulation data (Stress, Displacement, Frequency, Temperature, etc.,), Mass Properties, Dimension, Measurement, and costing data.

3) Goals: There are targets. The inputs for this are the same as constraints. This data is required only for the Optimization mode design study.

To create a Design Study, set up the parameters. The keys to creating a Parameter are to provide Variables, choose the appropriate category, and then link that parameter to the model which you want to vary in the design study.

To insert a Design Study in your model. Use the drop-down arrows to add the Element Size Variable (Model Dimensions) to the Design Study.

In the Constraints section, use the pull-down menu to add a Sensor to the model, specifically to monitor the Mass Properties and select the model you want the sensor to reference for data.

Then set the goal and check the ‘Optimization’ box (whenever we choose a goal this check mark for optimization will need to be checked) and click ‘Run’.

When the Design Study is finished by running all of the scenarios. The Optimized results have been shown in the Result tab and it has found an optimal part number 5 and this is generated using a design study.

ü All of the ones that are in Red are did not reach our goal.

ü All of the ones that have reached our goal are displayed in White.

ü The optimal ones which can satisfy the goal are in Green.

In the Result view tab, optimal number 5 has maintained the geometric conditions and physical properties (i.e. Mass)

Note: SOLIDWORKS Premium is mandatory for Simulation Design Study.

Thank You..!!


Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Top Enhancements in SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2022

In the field of design and production, which are the major fields for the new product development in industry, as technology is advancing the process we do should be changing according to the new enhancements, so that we can works faster & smarter.

The major important task in NPD is the product reliability & Performance in the real time conditions, to predict these at the design stage we can do an virtual validation with SOLIDWORKS Simulation, as mentioned previously with advanced technology development in the field of FEA, and implementing them in SOLIDWORKS Simulation. There are few enhancements in the SolidWorks 2022 in Simulation(FEA) they are listed below with detail:

1. Linkage Rod Connector

2. Blended Curvature Based Mesh

3. Parallel Processing

Linkage Rod Connector


In an 4 bar linkage mechanism we use an Intermediate link that connects both the links as shown in the Fig: 1, the main purpose of the Intermediate link is to transfer the force exerted on the one link to the other link. This Intermediate link can be defined as an boundary condition so that the mesh size can be reduced  and speed-up the simulation. In SolidWorks Simulation 2022 an new feature called Linkage Rod Connector can be used in the place of the Intermediate link. We can define different types of joint connection between the joints i.e.

a. Rigid Joint:

A rigid joint prevents any rotations or deformations. A linkage rod connector with rigid joints can transfer all moments from one part to another.

b. Pivot Joint:

A pivot joint allows only one rotation about the axis normal to the connector's axis.

c. Spherical Joint:

A spherical joint acts like a ball and socket joint where the ball can rotate inside the socket, but it cannot dislocate from the socket.We can list a linkage rod connector's forces such as shear force, axial force, bending moments, and torque after you run a simulation.


Blended Curvature Based Mesh

Meshing is the important task when we are working in the field of FEM or CFD. It is always good to have an automated mesh algorithm to mesh the complex models, so that we can eliminate the errors that are created when meshing. As we know SolidWorks simulation uses automated mesh algorithm, for refinement there is an new enhancement in the SolidWorks 2022 i.e. Blended Curvature Based Mesh, as shown in Fig:2, in this the course mesh can be defined to bodies that are not critical for analysis & can applying the Mesh control to the selected components that are critical, so that the analysis time can be reduced. After creating the mesh, with Mesh summery we can know the element size that is assigned to the individual components.



Blended Curvature-based mesh in 2022

Parallel Processing:

 The major task in the field of FEA is, solving the meshed elements with their respective boundary condition PDE’s, with the technology enhancement we are able to make this process by function-based stiffness data communication replacing file-based processing, which take advantage of extending parallel processing speed-up with the iterative solver to all connectors and most features, the comparison of 2020 & 2021 is shown in the Fig:3