Showing posts with label PLC Circuit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLC Circuit. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 May 2018


A PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) is an industrial computer control system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.
PLC management
1. Open the PLC manager.
Menu: Project > PLCs
2. Click on the Add PLC icon and select the PLC manufacturer part option.
PLC manager > Add PLC > PLC manufacturer part.
3. Allocate the requested part.

Input/Output management
  1. Select the PLC manager Inputs/Outputs command. PLC manager > Inputs/Outputs
  2. Select the Add several Inputs/Outputs command using the Digital PLC Input option in the Input/Output manager.
  3. Add 9 digital PLC inputs and 7 digital PLC outputs.

Associating Inputs/Outputs with PLC channels
  1. In the PLC manager, select the 9 Digital PLC inputs and click on the Associate icon.
  2. In the PLC manager, select the 9 Digital PLC inputs and click on the Select icon
  3. Repeat this operation for the Digital PLC outputs.
Editing the macro associated with the circuit
  1. Open the PLC drawing configuration.Menu: Project > Configurations > PLC drawing...
    Dockable panel > Contextual menu of Project: Configurations > PLC drawing configuration management.
  2. In the configuration management dialog box, open the properties of the configuration used in the project
  3. Go to the Circuits tab and in the Circuit type field select Digital PLC input.
  4. The macro is automatically added to the dockable panel, Documents tab.
  5. Unfold the macro in the dockable panel and open the document.
  6. In the contextual menu for the symbol, select the Symbol > Replace command and select a pressure sensor symbol.
Generating PLC drawings:
  1. Open the PLC manager
  2. Select the Generate drawings command.
  3. In the Book (s) / Folder(s) selection dialog box, select New folder and create the PLC folder.
  4. Solidworks is now creating the drawing for the PLC for 9 inputs and 7 outputs
  5. Select the folder.
  6. Adding the PLC in SOLIDWORKS Electrical is completed and drawing are generated.
  • Generate PLC drawings Automatically with the help of inbuilt macros
  • Generates your control drawing with appropriate components
  • Inbuilt manufacturer parts and PLC management tools saves time spend on control drawings
  • Associated with the Schematic with GOTO commands with synchronised workflow
  • Cross reference tools to audit PLC operations with Legends which eradicates errors