- Detail designs without errors, automatically dimension “manufacturing” features in 3D.
- Check the dimensional completeness of your design
- Graphically display dimensional status
- Display dimensions created in 3D automatically on the drawing
- Apply +/- or geometric dimension and tolerances
- Ease the Process of Creating manufacturing Dimensions

- TolAnalyst uses the input from Dimxpert.
- Powerful tolerance analysis tool that automatically checks the effects of tolerances on parts and assemblies to ensure consistent fit of components and to verify tolerancing schemes before the product goes into production.
- The tolerance analysis can be rerun instantly if a dimensioning or tolerancing change is made, enabling you to get to an optimized tolerancing scheme more quickly.
- Five analysis types including; Worst Case, RSS (Root Sum Square), Modified RSS, Process Centering RSS, and Monte Carlo Simulations are possible
- Wide range of statistical distributions to emulate real-world
- Tolerance Optimizer (patented)
- Single-source documentation for tolerance stacks
- Automatic statistical, sensitivity, SPC, cost-savings, and impact report generation
- First Article Inspection (FAI) and in-process inspection software that streamlines and automates the creation of ballooned inspection drawings and inspection reports (AS9102, PPAP, etc.).
- Enables users to leverage their legacy data regardless of whether they have SOLIDWORKS files, PDFs, or TIFFs.
- Each characteristic value can be entered manually, by using a digital caliper, or by importing coordinate measuring machine (CMM) results.