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Showing posts with label modelbaseddefinition. Show all posts

Friday, 17 September 2021

Inserting Sheet Metal Bend Notes in 3D Views using SOLIDWORKS MBD

MBD is the practice of creating the necessary details for manufacturing and inspecting parts and assemblies in a 3D CAD model as a unique solution for 2D drawings.

Bend tables stores the properties for a assigned material. A table that lets you associate a bend allowance, bend radius, or a k-factor with any combination of thickness, bend radius, and material.

Steps to generate bend table:

Step 1 - Open a sheet metal model


Step2 - Make flat pattern


 Step 3 - Right click on flat pattern option


 In a sheet metal part, Right click on the flat pattern and select the ‘Insert bend notes’ option. The flat pattern includes all the bend notes on the flattened view. It also includes the bounding box in the 2D Flat pattern view for the for ease of reference.

Step 4 - Inserting bend notes


Step 5 - Selecting “Bend Tables” in tables option


After creating the bend notes, Click on a bend table option from the tables drop down menu. The bend table shows the directions, radius, and bend angles. Like any other SolidWorks table, the bend table can be exported as a separate table.

 Step 6 - Inserting Bend Table


All Bounding Box Lines, Bend Table, and bend Tags will be inserted on to the Flat Pattern view. Tags will appear within the Bend Table with the bend direction, bend angle, and inner radius. The Related tags will appear near the respective bend lines on the Flat Pattern.

The bend table can be captured as a 3D view with the derived flattened pattern configuration and the 3D view can be exported to a 3D PDF, Excel and as a eDrawings file.