Showing posts with label SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 December 2021

What's New in SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2022

 What is SOLIDWORKS Electrical?

SOLIDWORKS® Electrical software helps simplify electrical schematic creation with an intuitive interface for faster design of embedded electrical systems, including power systems, user controls, complex wiring, and harnesses.

SOLIDWORKS Electrical Solutions

The suite of SOLIDWORKS solutions for electrical/mechanical design and integration help design engineers reduce the risks inherent in innovation and get their products to market faster with less physical prototyping to reduce costs. With a consistent, powerful, intuitive set of design capabilities, all fully integrated with SOLIDWORKS, designers can establish an integrated design early in the process and avoid costly rework. Take your first look at SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2022 Highlights below:


SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2022 Highlights

· Faster 3D electrical routing: Accelerate electrical design creation and design changes.

Significantly accelerate the routing of 3D wires, cables, and harnesses in your machine or product.

Try more design ideas during the design cycle with faster route creation.

· Improved performance with large electrical projects: Save time when working with large electrical projects.

Speed up commonly used operations such as copy, paste, delete, and undo.

Make design changes from schematic to 3D faster.

Create large electrical projects more quickly

Speed up commonly used operations such as copy, paste, delete, and undo.

Make design changes from schematic to 3D faster.

Create large electrical projects more quickly.

· Increased performance in multiuser electrical design environments: Increase productivity with better collaboration among concurrent users.

Enable faster operations for multiuser groups doing concurrent electrical design.

Make data sharing and collaboration between multiple users easier.

· Enhancement to the Electrical Content Portal (ECP): Create electrical designs faster with streamlined sourcing of electrical content.

ECP is now included in the Task Pane of SOLIDWORKS Electrical, making it easier to access.

Search for electrical content directly from inside SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

· Improved navigation in electrical reports: Improve design quality with easy navigation of your electrical project documentation.

Enable multiple hyperlinks per report cell.

Link electrical reports to component datasheets.

· Enhanced harness flattening documentation: Improve product quality through more complete documentation and quicker access to component reference documents.

Select the main segments of a harness route in 3D to guide the flattening process.

Simplify the organization of harness documentation by targeting the trunk line.

· Improved documentation of harness and cable designs with shared electrical connectors: Enjoy greater flexibility in documenting electrical harness and cable designs.

Include external connectors that are shared but outside of the electrical route.

Include external connector information in documentation tables such as circuit summary tables and connector tables.

Add block views of external connectors on harness board drawings.

· Support for back shells: Improve design quality through a more complete 3D      representation of the overall design.

Use both straight and angled back shells in your electrical route design.

Create the route and then add, rotate, or change back shells as needed.

· Enhanced 2D documentation of backshells in electrical designs: Enjoy more complete and more flexible documentation of electrical designs.

Include straight or angled backshells in harness board drawings.

Include views of angled backshells in flattened harness views.

· Refinements to bend radius control: Improve design quality through a more realistic 3D representation of electrical routes.

Avoid bend radius errors with automated routing of wire, cable, and harnesses in 3D.

Create more robust 3D routing when using limited electrical guide path sketches.

· Links in BOMs: In BOMs, you can manage links in a merged cell, for example, when several components use the same manufacturer part.

· Add Data Files in the Export PDF: If you attach PDF files to the project as data files, you can export them in the exported PDF file.

· Testing the Query in the Expert Mode: When you edit report configurations in Expert mode, Test fully query includes the sort conditions and filters.

· Displaying ERP Data in the Manufacturer Parts Manager: If you connect the ERP data, you can display it in the Manufacturer Parts Manager.

· Including Data Sheets in Exported PDFs: You can include the datasheets associated with the manufacturer parts in exported PDF files.

· Displaying Break Condition in Report Manager: In the Report Manager, you can display a Break condition column that shows the field in which you have created the break condition.

· User Interface Redesign: The user interface is enhanced to be more ergonomic and user-friendly.

· Attribute in Origin – Destination Arrows: In the Origin – Destination arrows feature, the attribute #P_CONNECTED_0 lets you display the mark of the components connected through the arrows.

Displaying All the Wire Numbers on the Middle of the Line: When you number the wires, you can select a specific mode allowing you to display the wire number on the middle of the line segment.

· Connection Point Creation Enhancements: Connection points (C-Points) let you connect wires or cables with connectors. Now available inside the Routing Options, no need to open Routing Library Manager to Create C-Points. 


Monday, 24 May 2021

Validate Your Electrical Cable Routing Digitally with SolidWorks Electrical

Electrical System Design has progressed to the point that today every designer uses and practices Design Automation and 3D tools to eliminate manual tasks such as Reports, Documentation, and Physical mockups. Also, Electrical Design engineers are started exploring their work in 3D areas such as Control Panel Design,

Cable Tray Routing, Wire routing, and Wire harness; it helps them recognize and rectify design flaws in the early stages, cross – team collaboration, and most important it saves the company a lot of money. We can now generate separate cable routing assemblies in SolidWorks Electrical 2021, allowing us to route cables more effectively and quickly on our designs.

To Activating the separate routing assembly parameter for a cable:

Step 1:

Go the project tab, click Cables

Step 2:

Select one ore more cables from cable manager

Step 3:

Click the properties and enable the Separate 3D route assembly option

Step 4:

Goto SolidWorks Electrical 3D toolbar, click Route Cables

Step 5:

Open the Cable selector, click Selected Cables > Select Cables. The Separate route column displays the status of the Separate 3D route assembly

Step 6:

Start the Cable Routing

                               THANK YOU FOR READING!

Thursday, 17 May 2018


A PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) is an industrial computer control system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.
PLC management
1. Open the PLC manager.
Menu: Project > PLCs
2. Click on the Add PLC icon and select the PLC manufacturer part option.
PLC manager > Add PLC > PLC manufacturer part.
3. Allocate the requested part.

Input/Output management
  1. Select the PLC manager Inputs/Outputs command. PLC manager > Inputs/Outputs
  2. Select the Add several Inputs/Outputs command using the Digital PLC Input option in the Input/Output manager.
  3. Add 9 digital PLC inputs and 7 digital PLC outputs.

Associating Inputs/Outputs with PLC channels
  1. In the PLC manager, select the 9 Digital PLC inputs and click on the Associate icon.
  2. In the PLC manager, select the 9 Digital PLC inputs and click on the Select icon
  3. Repeat this operation for the Digital PLC outputs.
Editing the macro associated with the circuit
  1. Open the PLC drawing configuration.Menu: Project > Configurations > PLC drawing...
    Dockable panel > Contextual menu of Project: Configurations > PLC drawing configuration management.
  2. In the configuration management dialog box, open the properties of the configuration used in the project
  3. Go to the Circuits tab and in the Circuit type field select Digital PLC input.
  4. The macro is automatically added to the dockable panel, Documents tab.
  5. Unfold the macro in the dockable panel and open the document.
  6. In the contextual menu for the symbol, select the Symbol > Replace command and select a pressure sensor symbol.
Generating PLC drawings:
  1. Open the PLC manager
  2. Select the Generate drawings command.
  3. In the Book (s) / Folder(s) selection dialog box, select New folder and create the PLC folder.
  4. Solidworks is now creating the drawing for the PLC for 9 inputs and 7 outputs
  5. Select the folder.
  6. Adding the PLC in SOLIDWORKS Electrical is completed and drawing are generated.
  • Generate PLC drawings Automatically with the help of inbuilt macros
  • Generates your control drawing with appropriate components
  • Inbuilt manufacturer parts and PLC management tools saves time spend on control drawings
  • Associated with the Schematic with GOTO commands with synchronised workflow
  • Cross reference tools to audit PLC operations with Legends which eradicates errors