Just imagine! What if you become the President of The United States of America? What if you could have a control on stopping the bullet train with 320kph within a second in some chances of critical situation? What if the UNO announces you to monitor the whole nations in the world? Very curious. Let we break it out. In 2013, SolidWorks has introduced one of the biggest assets to the management who handle large Designs.
We can also say it is one of the most welcome tool that meets our users and management’s expectation. The tool none other than is CAD ADMIN DASHBOARD.
CAD Admin Dashboard would have a collection of details about the process and operations that are carried out in the Design area with respect to the graphical data representations.
Let we have just three simple steps to attain the core capabilities of CAD Admin Dashboard and feel why the users sense this tool as an asset.
STEP 1 CAD Admin Dashboard shall be seen in Customer Portal which is inside SolidWorks website. To access this tool, the user must hold a SolidWorks Customer Portal account.
If You don’t have SolidWorks Customer Portal Account, please reach your VAR and hold an account asap. It is an added benefit tool.
STEP 3 Once you get Login. Go to References-> CAD Admin Dashboard.
Core Capabilities of CAD Admin Dashboard
Once you complete the above steps (1-3), you will be seeing the complete details of the CAD Admin Dashboard window.
The things which we get here is,
- Account Details Information
- Machine Details
- Lastly Updated Status
- Serial Numbers
- Service Pack details
- Groups
- Actions Taken
- Performance of the Machine
- Session Details
Really interesting right? The complete set of details about the SolidWorks Licenses, recent service packs installed, last updated status with date and time and moreover the performance of the machine hardware memory level and graphics support details. As we seen above, the session details of each designer’s activity [login and logout date & time] shall be taken with graphical form. Once everything noticed, the user can export the required details in EXCEL format.
However, the complete actions which shown above should have a definite source of master key to fetch [observe/monitor] all these details and displays cumulatively in a single window. In other words, there should be some source working behind these scenes. Right? Yes, here is the key. To observe/ monitor the complete set of actions, the designers should,
Open SolidWorks-> Go to System Options-> General Tab-> Enable the check box “SOLIDWORKS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM” option. This is the master key which helps to capture each and every process in the CAD Admin Dashboard.
On the whole, I would like to express everything in simple words. “Have the Things in your Hands”. Catch up soon next. Have a great day.