Monday, 30 May 2016

How to link SolidWorks EPDM Data Card Values with Excel


SolidWorks EPDM performs Various task, in which Linking Data Card Values with an Excel document creates a basic understanding on how EPDM easily integrated with various tool. This is most needed yet most organization find it quite difficult to link various documents with the company's customized data card. This article provides information on how to perform this above task.


Inside Admin Tool

Create a new variable inside the administration tool on the appropriate vault that will be used in the card, give a variable name, variable type. Create New Attribute with Block Name and Attribute Name which need to be connected with the Excel. Provide the extension to make the work simple as possible.

After assigning a New Variable, make sure that the variable get positioned inside the data card. Hence create a field for that variable and map it to the variable name. Office card(Word, Excel) will be used to extract various information about the vendors, suppliers etc, make sure that variable get connected to the exact data card.

Inside Excel

Create a Excel file from the EPDM Vault, Click on the cell, which the property needs to be renamed. The Cell name is entered. The Cell name must be unique to the current sheet and do not contain any spaces in between them.

Inside the Custom Properties type the 'Name', same as that used in the new variable 'Attribute Name'. This Cell name is entered 'Source' Tab, mark 'Link to Content' . Save and close the Excel sheet.


This is two way method. Either you can enter the comment in the 'Note' tab inside the data card and save it. This will appear inside the Excel sheet.
Enter the text in the appropriate cell, save and close the excel, automatically Data Card with that note will appear.
Hence you can link your EPDM Data Card with Excel Document.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

CFD Approach Towards the Trend Changes in Valve Industries

Valves are the traditional devices for regulating the flow of liquids, gases or any fluidized solids. They are the major backbone for pipeline & multi process oriented industries. Over the past, there is an increased demand for innovative technologies to meet the industrial requirements. With the demand, the valve sectors should also maintain lower fabrication costs & development time and come up with new designs to grow substantially in the market. Thus, for the market growth, the industry has to rely on their design & development team to produce valves with respect to the customer needs.

SOLIDWORKS offers the industry to have a technology to design & validate simultaneously for their real time flow problems. The SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation is used to simulate the fluid flows along your valve designs. As a designer, you can decide to make changes with great visualization of the fluid flows.

The following important challenges addressed are like:
  • Back Pressure
  • Pressure Drop
  • Cv Calculation
  • Cavitation Effect
  • Valve Efficiency Calculation
This technology enables the valve testing for different scenarios in a virtual environment, to build and analyze solutions for the occurring problems to have a safer service and quality at your side. The flow simulation offers the user to apply different sets of boundary conditions for pressure, volume, temperature, mass & velocities at the Inlets & Outlets.
Once the prediction of the flow impacts are done, the user can view exact flow results with the cut & surface plots on the design setup. By adapting to the technology, the growth of the organization can be seen by reducing the prototype costs & have a development of their own products.