Friday, 19 August 2016

SolidWorks Electrical Solutions for Control Panel Design

Control panel

Control Panel is a cabinet made up of sheet metal form, which enhouses lot of electrical and electronic components. Ultimately, designed and built to meet the customer Automation needs.

Challenges Faced in Control Panel Design:

  • Optimizing the Routing of Wires to save Cost
  • Need for Intelligence in Sheetmetal handling to make immediate changes
  • Respond to Customer Requirements or Design Change and update the Project
  • Interference and Clearance Check between Wiring and Electrical Components 
  • Accurate generation of BOM/BOQ (Bill of Materials/Quantity) 
  • Control Diagram & Power Diagram creation
  • Reducing Manual errors and Mismatch of Electrical Components.

Solidworks Workflow for Control Panel Design:

Control Panel Design starts with the creation of SLD (Single Line Diagram), followed by the detailed Schematic diagram.

  • Schematic Diagram for the control Panel is completely based on the SLD and the Wire numbering is done at this stage.
  • Designer then creates, the panel design using 2D cabinet layout. This cabinet layout is viewed better when scaled, for 2D users.
  • An advanced 3D view of the Cabinet Layout can also be used to create the control panel design, from which they can generate the 2D layout.
  • Installation of Ducts inside the panel are crucial, since it eradicates the clumsy wire routing between the components and makes the wire routing tidy and easy to access.
  • Terminal Block in Control Panel Design simplifies the routing and it can be sized, Coloured depending on the Standards and needs.
  • Routing of wires and Cables are done with reference to Schematic diagram.
  • BOM/BOQ (Bill of Materials/Quantity) reports will be generated.      

Solidworks Electrical Solutions:

“SolidWorks Electrical” is powerful new generation Collaborative Electro- Mechanical software, which enables electrical designers and automation experts to create automation and electrical installation projects for Control panel.

SolidWorks Electrical takes advantage in helping the user to create the all the above said SLD, Schematic, Terminal block diagram, BOM/BOQ , 3D Routing & Reports with complete and intuitive automatic capabilities listed below.

Solutions to Control Panel Design:

  • Intelligent Design rule checking Tool 
  • 2D Panel Layout and Enclosure Design in 3D
  • Comprehensive library with more than 5 lakhs manufacturer parts
  • Powerful  symbol insertion with automatic breaks in circuits
  • Management of I/O and PLCs management
  • Auto Routing of Wire/cable and Harness in both 3D & 2D. 
  • Auto Sequencing of Wire numbers
  • Automatic generation of terminal strips and their management
  • Consolidated BOM/BOQ 


  • Integrated 2D & 3D with real time bi-directional Associativity
  • Built In Intelligence makes error free design
  • Better 3D visualization before completion of project
  • Automatic & Optimized Routing saves time and Cost
  • Automatic Report generation saves time and eradicates manual errors
  • Reduce manufacturing cost 
  • Overall productivity increases 
To know more about SolidWorks Electrical click here 
Register for SolidWorks Innovation Day 2017 click here
For more queries call us @ +91 94454 24704

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Adaptive Methods of Meshing

SolidWorks Simulation offers the user for error estimation with the adaptive methods. These methods are mainly focussed on the approach of improving the accuracy of results for the simulation studies. In the domain of approach towards the accuracy of results, FEA provides major development in estimating errors. Thus, mesh refinement has major role towards this development process.

The adaptive meshing is a tool which iteratively varies the mesh settings for the model without the manual interference. SolidWorks Simulation has two adaptive methods i.e. p-adaptive & h-adaptive.

The h-adaptive meshing physically adjusts the size of the cell in areas of the model where smaller mesh is required.

The p-adaptive meshing normally adjusts the polynomial order of the mesh to improve the accuracy of the results. The user can directly select any of the option inside the software.

h-adaptive meshing technique:

  • Varies the refinement level
  • Varies the density of the mesh
  •  Automatically done without any manual interference
p-adaptive meshing technique:
  • Controls the starting order of elements
  • More efficient in regions with high errors
  • Automatic global convergence criteria