Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Integrated Design Validation for Fit, Form and Function Using SolidWorks - Part II

Part I highlighted the Fit and Form aspects of Design Validation using SolidWorks. Additional Form Validation tools are highlighted in this part.

Form validation starts from the first step, namely, concept design. Form is validated all the time. Every dimension involves form validation. Shape optimization directly interacts with form and validates for optimal weight, cost or any variable that the designer uses to arrive at a design solution.
Draft Analysis, inside SolidWorks, helps designer to analyze designs for form requirements that are mandatory from manufacturing considerations. DraftXpert provides a range of tools for form validation inside SolidWorks.

Draft Analysis Settings and Results for Plastic Part

Curvature continuity and tangency on surfaces can be checked by using Zebra Stripes Visual Display availabel inside SolidWorks.

Zebra Stripes on Plastic Part

Undercut Detection on parts, be they plastic or die-cast, is required tofind trapped areas in a model that cannot be ejected from the mold. These areas require a side core. When the main core and cavity are separated, the side core slides in a direction perpendicular to the motion of the main core and cavity, enabling the part to be ejected. SolidWorks enables designers to perform Undercut Detection analysis to ensure manufacturability issues are addressed.
Undercut Detection in a plastic part

Similarly Curvature Analysis of parts is an important part of the design process that can be accomplished using SolidWorks with interactive measurement of curvature by traversing the mouse over the surface being analyzed.

Curvate Analysis on a Plastic Part Surface

Similarly, at Sketch level, insight into curvature variations on curves can be shown to understand form variation and control using Curvature Comb in SolidWorks.
Curvature Comb Display on Sketch Curves

Manufacturability has a direct influence on feature form. It is possible to analyze turning, milling and hole drilling operations using DFMXpress inside SolidWorks. Hole Depth-to-Diameter ratio, Minimum percentage of hole area inside a part, Milling Tool Depth-to-Diameter ratio, minimum corner radius and percentage bore relief on turned parts, minimum linear and angular tolerance zones are some of the rule-based checks that can be performed on parts designed using SolidWorks for Manufacturing feasibility.
DFMXpress Machining Feature Recognition on Pump Housing

DFMXpress Analysis of Machining Features in Pump Housing

Numerous features inside SolidWorks help Designers perform Design Validation of Form on a continuous basis. This helps avoid re-work and getting designs done right the first time.

More the next article....


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