Friday, 12 November 2021

Top Enhancements in SOLIDWORKS Plastics 2022

 In the plastics Injection Industry they face different types of defects like weld lines, sink marks, air traps etc. These defects can be identified in the design stage, so that the costly mould rework can be neglected. As industrial designer we use SolidWorks as an design tool for designing the plastic components & mould for the plastic parts.


As you all know SolidWorks had an add-in for Plastics Injection Simulation for predicting the shrinkage, warpage and flow of the plastic material in the mould. There are few enhancements in the SolidWorks 2022 in the Plastics Simulation they are listed below with detail:

1. Cavity and Runner Layouts

2. Injection Location Advisor

3. SOLIDWORKS Plastics Solvers

Cavity and Runner Layouts:

We can create dedicated boundary conditions for cyclic and symmetric cavity and runner layouts as shown in in the Fig:1 and also preview the cavity and runner layouts during the modelling stage to confirm their design specifications. You can use solid bodies and sketch-based runners to create the layouts. For cavity layouts with symmetry conditions, you can also visualize results for the whole layout, even though the simulation runs only for the symmetric part.

Injection Location Advisor:

Identifying the perfect injection location is the difficult task, with the new enhancement feature in Plastics Injection is Injection Location Advisor it assesses a part's geometry to identify up to 4 suitable injection locations as show in the Fig:2, by considering the specified material, process conditions, and mould opening direction.


SOLIDWORKS Plastics Solvers:

Solvers plays a major role in solving the PDE, these are solved directly or iteratively as we are virtually recreating the real world scenario. In the SolidWorks 2022 there was an solver improvement which helps in solving the PDE much faster. I general cool analysis takes large portion for the run time in the overall analysis, with the new enhancement their overall solution time is reduced by at least 20% compared to previous releases as shown in the Fig:3. For the Fill and Pack analyses with the Direct solver option is optimized. The overall solution time is reduced by approximately 50% compared to previous releases. For relatively thick parts that are meshed with hexahedral elements, the Direct solver more accurately predicts the inertial effects.