Wednesday, 5 August 2015

SOLIDWORKS Simulation - “Durability Analysis for Random Vibration”

What is Random Vibration Fatigue?

  • Structures or Mechanical components are subjected to random form of loading.
  • Wind Loads, Wave Loads, Car engine operating on different moving roads are such examples.
  • Random loading changes over time.
  • Random vibration involves dynamic loading conditions.

Random Vibration Fatigue

  • Three methods to compute the expected damage ratio due to random loading Fatigue.
    •   Narrow Band Method
    •   Steinberg Method
    •   Wirsching Method
  • Loading and response are random processes
  • Frequency based fatigue is required for such loading conditions.
  • They use statistical measures for solutions.
  • Requires a Dynamic random vibration study run for Fatigue calculation.
  • New Fatigue study involves stress PSD(Power Spectral Density)

What are Dynamic Loads ?

  • Dynamic loads are classified to deterministic or non deterministic.
  • Deterministic loads defined are functions of time and predicted precisely.
  • They are harmonic, periodic or non periodic.
  • Non deterministic loads cannot be defined as functions of time.
X Axis -  Frequency(Hertz)
Y Axis -  PSD (Amplitude²/ Frequency)

Benefits for Fatigue Analysis

  • Calculates the Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor(Kf).
  • The calculation takes place when the corrected alternating stress is less than the endurance limit.


  • Life will provide the Time for Fatigue Failure
  • Damage will provide the percentage of Life during the Random Vibration Loading conditions.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015



St. Venant’s Principle

  • The stresses reasonably distant from an applied load on a boundary are not significantly altered if this load is changed to a Statically Equivalent Load. The distribution of stress and strain is altered only near the regions of load application
  • FEA Which Includes with a large number of parts, the new Submodeling feature allows you to improve the results at critical areas without having to rerun the analysis for the whole model. Refining the mesh for a selected portion of the model and rerunning the analysis only for the submodel saves computation time.

Key Benefits of Submodeling

  • Transfer of Complex Global Loads from the entire structure to Local Regions  to obtain Accurate Stress in a Local Region.
  • Enables to experiment with Different Designs for the Region of Interest by refining mesh on the particular part
  • Rerunning the analysis only for the submodel saves computation time

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Improve your product performance, quality and reduce your prototyping costs

What is SolidWorks  Simulation?
SolidWorks Simulation virtually tests the product designs in real time conditions before manufacturing. With Simulation, designers and engineers can develop new concepts and innovate with design insights

Why SolidWorks Simulation?
SolidWorks Simulation helps the design engineers to validate for extreme loading conditions and various classes of materials in the real time conditions . It performs complex part and assembly problems within integrated SolidWorks environment.
The tool helps the designers to make the decision for their exact product requirement. Designers can concentrate on various factors like Stress, Strain, Displacement, Factor of Safety and Temperature Distribution to obtain the optimised product design. This tool will also validate for non linear and dynamic problems and vibration effects on the designs.

Benefits of SolidWorks Simulation
  • Reduce prototyping costs
  • Easily tackle the design changes
  • Can tackle warranty issues
  • Can effectively give the optimised design.
  • Improve their product quality and performance.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

HVAC using SolidWorks Flow Simulation

What is HVAC?
HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. The purpose of HVAC system is to control the Temperature and Moisture of air. Air Handling Units (AHUs) used to cool, heat, humidify, dehumidify, filters and ventilate the air before it distributes to different areas of a building.

Why SolidWorks Flow Simulation HVAC?
HVAC System designer can efficiently and easily evaluate and optimize HVAC Systems with CAD embedded CFD, augmented with the HVAC application module. Designer can ensure Thermal Performance and design Quality at the start and avoid costly rework later on.

How SolidWorks Flow Simulation HVAC helps designer?
  • Human Comfort Factors - calculate eight comfort parameters (including 'Predicted Mean Vote' [PMV] and 'Predicted Percent Dissatisfied' [PPD]) to measure thermal comfort and identify potential problem areas
  • Advanced Radiation - model absorption of radiation in solid bodies and definition of the radiation spectrum for a more accurate radiation simulation
  • Tracer Study - analyze the flow of a certain admixture (Tracer) in the existing carrier fluid
  • Enriched Engineering Database - Wide range of building materials and fans to run thermal analysis quickly and efficiently


Benefits of SolidWorks HVAC Simulation
  • Improve HVAC System Performance
  • Maintain Thermal Comfort conditions
  • Maintain optimum Air Quality
  • Reduce Energy usage
  • Reduce Maintenance Cost
  • Remove moisture contents
  • Reduce Testing Cost
For more info mail us @

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Design Validation on Special Purpose Machines (SPM)

Design validation is the process of ensuring the quality of Designed product, by conforming to user specifications and requirements. Special Purpose Machine (SPM) designers and Manufacturers produce tailor-made machine tools as dictated by their customers. Validation of these machines fall into two categories - Analytical and Physical.

Analytical methods include Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms and Free-Body Diagram. Physical testing include deflection measurements, strain gauging, vibration testing, measuring fluid flow parameters, temperature measurement, accelerated durability testing and frequency response measurements.

Virtual design validation simplifies the Conventional process and requires only a 3d CAD Model to validate product's mechanical resistance, durability, natural frequencies, heat transfer and buckling instabilities.

SPM design Challenges:
  • Increased design cycle time
  • Increased warranty costs and recall
  • Re-design
  • Material cost
  • Product quality and performance

Design validation on SPM is done to achieve the following :
  • Accelerated new product development cycle
  • Reduced prototyping costs through Virtual Testing
  • Improved product quality and performance
  • Ensured reliability and safety standards
  • Reduced risk by identifying hotspots in design
  • moulding/casting defects identification, weight reduction and load carrying capacity determination
  • Vibration reduction in embodiment and other machine modules like pneumatic and hydraulic systems, power packs, etc.,

Design validation benefits:
  • Design first time right
  • Virtual testing at early stage of design process
  • Reduced time consumption and costly prototyping
  • Design optimization and alternatives to offset the material cost
  • Study different alternatives
  • Performance improvement of complex mechanisms
  • Drop testing of handheld components
  • Instant compliance checks for safety
  • Optimized design for size, weight and efficiency

For more info mail us @

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Are you stuck doing repetitive tasks on your product design?

In today's competitive market, every product developer, specifically companies making custom products and high volume manufactures, want to automate their product design instead of doing it right from the scratch to shorten the design cycle time and reduce cost due to manual errors.

SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD provides a fantastic in-built automation tool, DRIVEWORKS XPRESS which helps to automate design task benefiting companies in generating infinite variations of model using rules based project. Set up the rules once and run it again and again to get the automated manufacturing drawing in no matter of time.
SOIDWORKS 3D CAD give designers and engineers powerful tools to accelerate the development of design variants and automate repetitive design tasks thereby fastening the design process, saving time and development costs and increases productivity.,SSName=REP+ENG-INTL++WOD+SW+3D+for+the+2D+Engineer,SSLC=,SSCC=,CID=1-3KV09FK,OID=1-2S3RM9I,COID=1-3KV09FL,PRO=1-NKZ7N