Thursday, 26 April 2018


Design Challenges Faced in Power and Process Industry
  1. Optimizing work flow for specialized domains such as piping, tubing and welding.
  2. Errors in design resulting in engineering rework and delays
  3. A bottleneck appears when overlooking a entire product which was developed under various CAD Software due to various constrains
  4. Unexpected Failure faced at higher pressure operation
  5. The life of the product not able to predict, due to that maintenance overtime and process productivity is critical

Addressing these Challenge through SOLIDWORKS Solutions.
  1. In SolidWorks we don’t need to spend our time on designing standard parts and components, where all the standard components are available in design library itself which can be obtained by simple drag and drop. For further validation of the product those standard can be directly fetched in SolidWorks Simulation.

Fig1: Design Library

  1. SOLIDWORKS helps to eliminate the rework in design process by using design table automation, DriveworksXpress and customized integrated automation solutions.
  2. Now with SOLIDWORKS you can import and export different types of cad files and neutral file formats.

Fig2:supported File Formats

  1. Failure can be avoided by predicting different pressure operation at various temperatures for the given Product in the development Stage itself.

Fig3:Displacement analysis

  1. The life and damage of the product would be predicted depending upon its working cycle over a period of time. Through the process, we can pre-schedule maintenance so that process productivity will be efficient.

Fig4: Fatigue analysis
Benefits of SOLIDWORKS using Power &Process industry
  • Eliminate reworks and save your time.
  • Reduce development cost & overall cast of the design.
  • Easily automated the layout design in full plant
  • The repeated documentation can be reduced.
  • Validation of designs for efficiency and performance.

Customer Voice:
We spent so much time trying to communicate design intent in 2D drawings—time that is completely eliminated when you present a realistic 3D rendering of a concept using SOLIDWORKS”
- Gary Hager 
Senior Project Manager/Engineer


Friday, 13 April 2018

How to Control Electrical Panel Cost ?

Cost Management for Electrical Panels is presented in this Webinar Video. Digital Transformation with Design for Cost, Checklist based Design, Process driven approach to Cost Management with Integrated Product Life Cycle Management is emphasized. SOLIDWORKS Electrical is used as the tool along with SOLIDWORKS PDM for enumerating the process driven approach to Cost Engineering as applied to Electrical Panel Design and Development. Please visit or write to us at for knowing more. If you like this presentation please do leave your feedback and refer to others for benefiting from the information provided in this presentation. Follow us on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Blogger:

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Mould Design Using Multibody Concept in SOLIDWORKS

Watch Demo on how Mutlibody Concept in SOLIDWORKS helps Tool & Die Designing effectively for Mould Industry.

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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Data Handling & Product Communication in Automotive Sectors

This Video talks about how to have better workflow of Engineering design data in Automotive Industry through effective Product Data Management tools - SOLIDWORKS PDM. If you like this video give a like & Share with your friends. Follow us on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:
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Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Integration of SOLIDWORKS Revision Table with SOLIDWORKS PDM

SOLIDWORKS PDM 2018 can now read and write values from or to a SOLIDWORKS revision table. You can configure SOLIDWORKS PDM variables to automatically add information such as revision date, description, and approver to a new row in the table or to update the last row.

Step 1: Configure Revision Table Integration

1. In the administration tool, expand SOLIDWORKS and open the Revision Table node.
2. Enable the check box “Enable Revision Table”
  1. Set the number of visible rows in the revision table.
  2. Enter the place holder text you wish to be shown when you manually add a new revision table row in SOLIDWORKS.

Step 2: Mapping variables to the Revision Table

Each revision table column that you wish to update via PDM must be mapped to data card variable.

To configure the variable mapping:

  1. In the administration tool,expand the variable node.
  2. Select the variable to update.
  3. Click “New Attribute”
  4. Add a new block named “SWRevTable”
  5. The “Attribute Name” field will switch to a drop list,listing the five default revision table columns.Select the appropriate attribute that should be mapped to the variable.
  6. Type “slddrw” in the extension field.
When you change the mapped variable values in the file's data card, the values in the latest row of the table are updated and vice versa.

Step 3: Automatically update revision table row

The revision table row can be updated automatically by two methods:
  1. Set Variable transition actions.
  2. Set Revision command.
Step 3.1: Configure the workflow to automatically update revision table row

The revision table in a drawing can be updated via workflow transition actions that update variables mapped to the “SWRevTable” block.

1.In the administration tool,expand the workflow node and open the appropriate workflow.
2.Select the transition that is used to set a revision on the drawing.
3.Add a “Set variable” transition action that updates the variable linked to the SWRevTable mapping for the Revision column in the revision table.

Add “Set Variable” actions for each revision table column that you wish to update at the same time the revision is set.

Step 3.2:Configure Set Revision command to automatically update revision table row

To update the revision table via the manual “Set Revision” command
  1. In the administration tool,expand SOLIDWORKS and open the “Revision Table” node.
  2. Select the “Set Revision Command Settings tab”.
  3. Enable the check box “Update Revision Table in SOLIDWORKS Drawing through “Set Revision” command
To update the “Revision” column in the revision table,enable the check box

The revision column will use the revision value that the Set Revision command sets on the file.

The “Variable Name” drop list will display all variables that have a “SWRevTable” mapping.Select the variable that contains the revision value on the drawing Data card.

To update the other column(Description, Date, Approver) enable the checkbox and In “Column Value”,enter a static text or select from the options in the drop list what value the revision table column should be updated with.

Note: The command will only add a new revision row with the values when you use the “Update Variable” option in the Set Revision command.


Wednesday, 28 March 2018

How Industrial Equipment Manufacturers can create Technical Manuals Faster and Easier?


Preparing Technical Documentation is one of the challenging task for Content creators. They tend to create clear, simple and accurate documents which implies for their products.

Usually step by step Documentation will make it easy to understand problems compound in Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Organizations where each Industrial Equipment must be maintained by maintenance department.

Content creators tend to focus and crush their brain on document work word by word, pictures, symbols and shapes. However, small error can cause severe actions for users. So, what is the solutions for those heck and tense? Let’s move further!

Free-up Mind and apply SOLIDWORKS COMPOSER

SOLIDWORKS COMPOSER allows you to quickly create 2D and 3D graphical content to clearly explain and present your products or process.

The tools let you work directly from 3D CAD data to create high quality illustrations, photo realistic images and interactive animations and to import design data.

How it is helpful and what for?

1. For “Work Instructions”
  • Create Work Instructions in 3D 
  • Replace 2D drawings with 3D Animations 
  • Reduce production errors 
2. For “Marketing Presentations”
  • 3D Software for marketing 
  • Enable Marketing to create animations and graphics for: 
• Pre-Sales demonstrations
• Interactive animations for trade shows
• Technical brochures
• On-line interactive part catalogs

3. For “Service Instructions”
      Field Service Instructions
  • Replace text with graphics 
  • Replace documents with videos 
• Produce videos at lower costs
• Reduce training costs

  1. Non-technical users can also easily accommodate and work. 
  2. Even more complex parts can depict clear and effective. 
  3. Associativity: Changes are updated automatically in created contents. 
  4. Productivity is maximized very fast because of user interface tools. 
  5. Demonstrate products more effectively with interactive storyboards. 
  6. Highlight key differentiators with detailed views, glow eff etc and transparent components. 
  7. Enter into Market very fast through precise documents in the design stage itself. 
  8. In simple terms don’t want to wait for the product to be over, work concurrently in design and content creation.


How SOLIDWORKS PDM is more helpful for Industrial Equipment Manufacturers?

Critical Assets to Monitor Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Process Issues :

Industrial Equipment Sector presents a unique situation in terms of reliability, primarily due to the nature of production. While a wide range of other industries can run at reduced loads or output after suffering unexpected downtime, nearly all assets in industrial manufacturing can be viewed as critical. All assembly line style of manufacturing equipment is dependent on other equipment up line or down line to be operating during production. Even a small issue can severely cripple or entirely halt production. Therefore, it is highly critical to monitor any asset that has the potential to slow or halt production to reduce or eliminate unplanned downtime.

Product Data Management (PDM) is the use of software to manage product data and process-related information in a single, central system. This information includes Computer-Aided Design (CAD) data, models, parts information, manufacturing instructions, requirements, notes and documents.

  1. Capture, manage and deliver product information
  • PDM systems capture and manage product information, ensuring that information is delivered to users throughout the product lifecycle in the correct context.
  • File ownership, version control (check-in and check-out of files), revision

  1. Functionality & Data Security
  • Security and administrative functionality protects intellectual property rights through role management, project-based security and associated access privileges.

  1. Process Enablement
  • A PDM system can help you establish, manage and execute automated workflow-driven processes that reflect company-specific best practices for change planning (what-if analysis), change incorporation (execution), and change verification and communication.

  1. Configuration Management
  • PDM systems provide the visibility necessary for managing and presenting a complete Bill Of Materials (BOM). It facilitates the alignment and synchronization of all sources of BOM data, as well as all lifecycle phases, including the as-designed, as-planned, as-built and as-maintained states. 

  • All users have access to the latest versions of files, that are stored in a central location. This means manufacturing can have immediate and direct access to a project file, when it is release.
  • All files are stored centrally, thereby reducing the chance of data loss or. This includes having your work overwritten, by a co-worker saving files, to a shared network drive.
  • Multiple versions of files can be kept, thereby allowing a user to revert to a previous version.

  • Find the correct data quickly
  • Improve productivity and reduce cycle times
  • Reduce development errors and costs
  • Improve value chain orchestration
  • Meet business and regulatory requirements
  • Optimize operational resources
  • Facilitate collaboration between global teams
  • Provide visibility for better business decision-making


Friday, 23 March 2018

SOLIDWORKS Composer – For Effective Communication of your Machinery design

Quickly and easily create Technical Communication Collaterals

With SOLIDWORKS Composer, anyone in your company can quickly create complete technical communication without CAD experience. Since Composer works directly with your 2D and 3D CAD data, users can extract information directly from the source, manipulate, annotate and publish the finished work in a fraction of time. In a few clicks you can produce Technical illustrations & documentation automatically.

Challenges faced in Preparing Technical Communication Collaterals

  • Re-work due to Design Changes and updating the Visual Instructions 
  • Maintaining the hierarchy of documentation and Updating the Projects 
  • Less availability of Illustrative tools to create eye-catching Technical Content. 
  • Repeated Training needed to New Resources in Creating Technical Communication 
  • Content creators are often working with different, cobbled together tools, including 2D CAD drawings, digital photography, and file translators. 
  • Consumes more time & more steps to get to a finished document. 
Benefits of Composer
  • Create detailed visual assembly/dis-assembly instructions that don’t require re-creation from Scratch, even if the Design Changes. 
  • Generate a interactive Bill of Material (BOM) that automatically updates with Updation of your Project 
  • Create beautiful animations & Images for product CD’s, Brochures, Manuals or online instructions. 

  • Illustration Engineers can build Technical documentation in parallel with product design & development, with less training. 
  • Create high-resolution, shaded renderings with a three dimensional appearance for presentations and brochures. 
  • Clear product documentation 
  • Create more life-like visuals and eliminate the need for physical prototypes in creating product marketing materials.