Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Flat pattern Drawing views for Multibody Sheetmetal parts


Solidworks Multibody Sheet metal parts design allows to create multiple sheet metal
bodies,of potentially different materials,within the same part file. Multibody sheet metal parts can
consist of multiple sheet metal bodies or a combination of sheet metal and other bodies such as
weldment bodies.

Creating Flat pattern Drawing Views for Multiple Sheet Metal Bodies

Drawing views can display entire sheet metal or individual sheet metal multibody parts.
In drawings Model view>Select bodies allows to create Flat pattern drawing view for individual
Sheetmetal parts.
1.Click Model view, Browse the Sheet metal part file & Click Select Bodies

2.Select the individual Sheetmetal body graphically.

3.Click (A) Flat pattern,Click to place on the drawing and Click OK.


Monday, 14 August 2017

SOLIDWORKS 3D Interconnect

3D Interconnect in SOLIDWORKS 2017 delivers groundbreaking new capabilities for
working with both neutral and native CAD data from various sources, unlocking powerful new work
flows for us to collaborate with customers and vendors.

By using SOLIDWORKS 3D Interconnect, we can now

  • Maintain direct integration of native CAD files and we can Insert proprietary CAD data directly into a SOLIDWORKS assembly without converting it to a SOLIDWORKS file.
  • Avoid fixing errors or problems due to SOLIDWORKS awareness of all components in the native CAD files, like face and edge Ids.
  • Directly open imported files and treat them like Base Parts, so we can freely make design modifications without affecting the native file.
  • Open the proprietary 3D CAD format in the SOLIDWORKS software with its associative link to the original part.
  • Update changes in the SOLIDWORKS file if we update the proprietary CAD data in its authoring application by maintaining all downstream features created in SOLIDWORKS.
  • Update both part and assembly files as design changes take place with Update Model feature.
  • At any time, we can break the link to the Original CAD file
Supported Format and their versions in 3D Interconnect :

Turning 3D Interconnect On or Off :

Benefits :
  • It enables users to work with data from other CAD systems.
  • It facilitates collaboration between consultants, manufacturers and clients, encouraging a “mixed CAD” environment.
  • Companies who use a combination of software or switch from another 3D CAD system to SOLIDWORKS will greatly benefit from this capability.
  • Now we can freely make design modifications without ever affecting the native file.
  • SOLIDWORKS notifies users when changes are made, ensuring better connectivity throughout your design process.
  • It helps engineers to focus on their design rather than translating files.


Thursday, 3 August 2017

Creating Sketch Offsets on 3D Geometry Surfaces

You can use the Offset on Surface tool to offset 3D model edges as well as faces in a 3D sketch. Selecting a single edge will offset that edge. Multiple edge selections will offset the complete chain. You can adjust the offset using the dialogue box or just enter a value. At surface intersections, we can even flip the offset curve to the other side gives you a great flexibility in design. 

We need to reduce some weight of this part and to simplify the complex surface, so let’s see how SOLIDWORKS 2017 can help us. It is now possible to offset curves on any surface. Previously, you had to create extra features for offsetting an edge. 

To create sketch offsets on 3D geometry surfaces:

 1. Open the part model. 
2. Click Offset on Surface(Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Offset on Surface.

3. In the graphics area, select the edge as shown.

4. In the Property Manager:

        a) Specify the value of Offset Distance. 
        b) Select Reverse.

            The entity is projected on the opposite face. 

       You can only use Reverse when the selected edge is connected to faces that belong to the same body.

5. Select the interior edges as shown. 
6. Click ok.

7. Double-click the dimension and specify value of offset.

If you select a whole surface then SOLIDWORKS offsets all outer edges [Very powerful]. You can use this 3D sketch as a trim tool to cut out the centre of the surface for optimization/ material reduction of the part. 

8. Click Offset on Surface. 

9. In the Property Manager: 
       a) Click face of Surface in the graphics area.  
       b) Specify the value of Offset Distance.
       c) Click ok. 

10. All the edges of surface are offseted now. 

So a powerful new features in SOLIDWORKS 2017 that helps the user to overcome the barriers to create a great looking products. 

  1. Quick wrapping of entities on surface. 
  2. Easy creation of offset entities as 3D sketch from our existing surface. 
  3. Offseted entities were used for development through fill tool. 
  4. Very useful in material saving and mass reduction.


Saturday, 15 July 2017

SOLIDWORKS Enhancement to ease your Sheet metal Design

Sheet metal parts are common across a wide range of industries from special machines,
housings, and other critical product components. It is a well-known fact that SOLIDWORKS allows
you to quickly and cost-effectively create sheet metal part designs using a simple design
process, saving you time and development costs. In order to make it more efficient few great
enhancements have been made to the Sheet Metal design in SOLIDWORKS 2017.

Normal Cut Feature

When a hole is punched on curved faces of a Sheetmetal part using normal cut feature, the
flattened state of it will produce an odd geometry in SOLIDWORKS 2016. This has been
enhanced in SOLIDWORKS 2017 . Now in SOLIDWORKS 2017 a new option is available to
“Optimize the geometry” of the cut to remove any unwanted material. Upon further inspection,
we can clearly see that after using this option we are able to achieve the right result. This new
option will be turned on by default for all newly created Normal Cuts, but the user has the
option to manually turn it off.

Three bend corner relief

We have always had the ability to add corner relief where 2 sheet metal bends come together
in previous versions of SOLIDWORKS, but now in SOLIDWORKS 2017 you can create 3 bend
corner reliefs.. Now when working with the corner relief the property manager has been
enhanced to include 3 corner relief, all we have to do is just select the option in the Corner
Relief property manager, collect the appropriate corners and choose from the various relief
options for Rectangular, Circular, Tear, Obround, or Full Round.

This enhancement has to been made to drawing as well, similar to the 2 bend corner relief, the
material is removed where appropriate in both the bent and flattened state and you can clearly
see the various relief types that can be created to enable you to create more accurate designs.

These great new options add up to increased sheet metal performance in SOLIDWORKS 2017
that will enable you to do more than ever before.


Thursday, 13 July 2017

Updating Mold design as per imported model changes

You can create a mold using a sequence of integrated tools that control the mold creation process. You can use
these mold tools to analyze and correct deficiencies with either SOLIDWORKS or imported models of parts to be molded.

Any changes to the molded part are automatically reflected in the tooling bodies, this is common when your taken the SOLIDWORKS part file “.sldprt” as a mold part

Let us assuming the user has created core and cavity using a imported part model Given in “step” format, if the model data has been changed but you want to use the new part data in the place of existing part data

In this case SOLIDWORKS having a great capability of updating the core and cavity with respect to the imported data changes.

Core and cavity created using “Translated_Dustpan.STEP” imported model

Now the imported model has been modified and given to the user, so we have to replace the Translated
Dustpan imported model with the new modified Translated Dustpan STEP model.

Step 1

Click the imported model in FMDT -> Edit feature                Click OK when this dialogue box shown

Step 2

  • User can select the modified imported file from the open dialogue box
  • Solidworks will allow the user to select the different file format
  • Check the Match faces and edges

“Model updated with the modified imported part”


1. Easy update of other Cad files in tooling design
2. Simplified mold re-design process
3. various file format supported


SOLIDWORKS Bearing Calculator

SOLIDWORKS Bearing Calculator helps us to calculate capacity and life of bearing, enabling the engineer in better selection of bearing based on its application and working condition.

SOLIDWORKS Bearing Calculator

SOLIDWORKS Bearing Calculator helps us to calculate capacity and life of bearing, enabling the
engineer in better selection of bearing based on its application and working condition.
To calculate the capacity and life time of the bearing,Select the Standard(ANSI,ISO,DIN etc)
followed by the type of bearing and the size of bearing.There is an option to set the measurement
units to US(English) or SI(Metric). Select the desired non-failure rate(Reliability) for the selected

There are two different ways to specify the capacity.If the calculated capacity is chosen then an
option will be available to enter the number of balls used in the bearing and ball diameter of the
bearing.After entering the values,click “Solve capacity” button to calculate the total capacity of the
bearing. If Rated capacity is chosen,enter the value of Capacity.This capacity value is used in the
calculation for the basic life.

Then enter the equivalent load(Combined radial and thrust loads for the bearing) and Speed in
RPM. Click “Solve Life” button to calculate life time of the bearing.Beam calculator calculates the life

time in Revolutions and life time in hours(When you specify the speed in RPM).


  1. We can easily predict the life of the bearing.
  2. Free from manual calculation.
  3. Helps us to choose right bearing for right application.
  4. Reduce time and manual error.